Airflo polyleader Light Trout

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Airflo polyleader Light Trout
Vanaf: € 7,95
Quick Overview

Airflo polyleader light trout 5'

Floating (drijvend)
Hoover (drijft in de waterspiegel)
Intermediate (zeer langzaam zinkend en door in te vetten drijvend)
Slow sinking (langzaam zinkend)
Fast sinking (snel zinkend)
Super Fast sinking (zeer snel zinkend)
Extra Super Fast sinking (supersnel zinkend)

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Designed with greater suppleness and shock absorption for use on light lines. Floating, hover and intermediate leaders ensure the most delicate of presentations to spooky fish in lakes and spring creeks whilst the sinking versions allow nymphs to be fished at depth without adding weight to the fly or shot to the tippet. The longer 8’models keeps the shadow of the line even further from the fly.

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